gnome-keyring with Python

The documentation on gnome-keyring I discovered helped me to access it successfully with Python. I’ve written a small module that fetches and stores a username and a password for some server.

Some notes:

  • The attributes are freeform, but there a some common attributes for network hosts. These are: “user”, “domain”, “server”, “object”, “protocol”, “authtype”, and “port”. Actually there is a convenience API for network hosts.
  • libgnome-keyring requires that the application is correctly set using g_set_application_name. Unfortunately the Python module gnomekeyring does not do that for us and pygtk does not provide a function to set the application name. Therefore you need to include the module gtk to make it work. (Filed as bug 460515.)Update: g_set_application_name was added to pygtk in the 2.13 development version.
  • Python’s find_network_password_sync function does not allow None to be passed as arguments. The C API allows NULL to be passed here. This means that this function is basically unusable in Python, since you never want to provide all values. (Filed as bug 460518.)


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