Tag: rules

  • Missed Triggers Article Up

    My article on Missed Trigger Remedies is now up at Wizards of the Coast’s judge page. A larger and a PostScript version of the chart is available here.

  • Multiplayer Rules

    I’ve had the chance to try out the new multiplayer rules with my play group. Let me start by saying that I love the new two-headed format! While there are certainly still some kinks that need to be worked out, the fast pace and necessary coordination between team members are really enjoyable. That said here are a…

  • Bushido

    This is an excerpt from an e-mail message that I sent to Magic rules manager John Carter a while back. It outlines the problems I have with the way the Bushido mechanic currently works. Maybe other people find it interesting as well. […] So, let’s start with the definition of bushido from the comp rules (version…

  • Templating and “that card”

    From today’s Ask the Judge: Q: At the end of my turn, if my Shirei, Shizo’s Caretaker is still in play, a land that went to my graveyard from play as a 1/1 creature due to Living Plane does not come back into play, does it? It says “creature card” on Shirei, which makes me suspect.…