Tag: Tomboy

  • Porting Tomboy from C# to C++

    Hubert Figuiere writes about porting Tomboy from C# to C++. I tried to leave a comment in his blog, but something doesn’t work, so here is my comment: Porting Tomboy from C# to C++ seems like a step back to me. C# is a higher level language than C++ and is much easier to write good and clean…

  • Google Summer of Code and Networked Tomboy

    My Google Summer of Code application, called Networked Tomboy was accepted. Just to quote myself: Tomboy is a note-taking application for the GNOME desktop. As such it is evolving as a replacement for the traditional ‘sticky notes’ applet and offers several advantages, including easy formatting and wiki-style links. But currently Tomboy notes are limited to the desktop. That means that users can’t…