Tag: unittest

  • python-dectest — Improved unittest.TestCase

    I have released the first version of dectest for Python (Github), an improved version of unittest.TestCase. It is a drop-in replacement with two improvements: decorators for tests, setup, and teardown methods. This is not only more explicit than the “magic” names of unittest, it also allows multiple setup and teardown methods per class. A patch() helper method that calls unittest.mock.patch(),…

  • New Python unittest module?

    Collin Winter blogs about an updated unittest module he wrote. His update fixes the internal structure, and therefore the expandability, of the module, but also cleans up the external API. There are still a few minor improvements I would like to see, but nevertheless I hope that his updated version will be included in Python’s standard library eventually.

  • PyUnit and Decorators

    One of the shortcomings of the Python standard library is in my opinion that PyUnit doesn’t use decorators (as later versions of JUnit and NUnit do). Therefore I have written a sample implementation that adds decorator support. (unittest.py; diff to Python 2.5’s unittest.py) To do: Warn when old-style and new-style tests are mixed. Throw an exception when multiple setup or teardown methods exist. Ability…

  • XML Test Runner for PyUnit

    JUnit features an XML Test Runner. This means that the result of a test run is not written to stdout, but instead written into an XML file. This XML file can then be automatically processed. This is for example useful for fully automated builds using software like CruiseControl. The XML output is easily converted into an XHTML…

  • Python Warts

    I started my own page of Python warts, similar to A. M. Kuchling’s popular page. At the moment it just features one wart (the len() function vs. a length property on container classes). But I plan to add more warts in the future. I will probably concentrate on warts in the standard library. (And there are tons of them.) Two…