Tag: warts

  • Programming Warts Wiki

    There is a new Programming Warts Wiki. I think this is a great idea, since it encourages discussion about the various advantages and disadvantages of different programming languages and may help to remove some kinks in those languages.

  • Java File API

    I don’t like Java’s File API. It’s main problem is that is mixes several responsibilities into one class. One responsibility is handling of “abstract” file and path names, i.e. operating system independent file names. The other responsibilities are all file system related: Querying file meta information (access rights, access times, file type), creating files, and listing…

  • Python Warts

    I started my own page of Python warts, similar to A. M. Kuchling’s popular page. At the moment it just features one wart (the len() function vs. a length property on container classes). But I plan to add more warts in the future. I will probably concentrate on warts in the standard library. (And there are tons of them.) Two…