Month: July 2005

  • Final Judgment is not a Bounce

    I just remembered another situation from last week’s PTQ in Hamburg. I was watching a match between two players I didn’t know during one of the early rounds of the tournament. Player A played a Final Judgment and player B picked up all of his creatures and put them into his hand. During his turn he started to…

  • Nationals and Grinders

    This is a comment by me that I wrote as response to J. Sawyer Lucy’s article Bring Back My Limited Grinders! on Star City Games: It seems that WotC Europe decided that this year that aren’t any grinders at all for European National Championships. German Nationals used to have meat grinders (Standard, Booster Draft, and Sealed Deck IIRC) and…

  • More PTQ Bits

    Here are some more bits from the PTQ that I forgot to mention in my last entry: During the last Swiss round I was watching a match whose winner would make top 8. Player A had Heartbeat of Spring in play so that each land produced double that mana. A was at 1 life and did some splice…

  • PTQ Los Angeles in Hamburg – Judge Report

    Yesterday was a PTQ for PT Los Angeles in Hamburg. I planned to go there with a few friends anyway and since the TO Philip Schulz had asked for judges on the German judge list, I applied. We targeted our arrival at about 10, but between weekend traffic on the Autobahn, a broken route by Map24 and several closed streets…

  • GTA: San Andreas

    Finally I found time to blog a bit about GTA: San Andreas. Let me begin with a brief summary: San Andreas is a great game in the tradition of the GTA series. The level and mission design is certainly better than that of GTA: Vice City, and there have been lots of other improvements. What…

  • Netatalk 2.0.3-2

    I just released Netatalk 2.0.3-2. This version solved the conflict with yudit by renaming /usr/bin/uniconv to /usr/sbin/netatalk-uniconv. As this is a tool that is only required very occasionally (i.e. when updating a volume from one character set to unicode, which hopefully you will only have to do once per volume), this change should be fairly unobstrusive. Resolving…

  • PTQ LA in Hamburg

    I will be judging the PTQ for Los Angeles in Hamburg this weekend. I was planning to go there with friends, but since Philip Schulz was still looking for judges, I applied, and fortunately I was accepted. Nice.

  • ORBit 2.12.2-2

    Uploaded a new version of ORBit2 that fixes bug #317352. It seems that at some point ORBit2 stopped building the API documentation by default, so it wasn’t included in liborbit2-dev anymore. Fixed that by providing the –enable-gtk-doc configure option. But then the API documentation is in a really bad state. Also noticed that the linc-cleanup-sockets utility…

  • Thoughts on Notifications

    There has been much talk lately about notifications in GNOME. Here are my thoughts. Basically there are different kinds of notifications: Notifications that need attention soon. This includes things like notebook battery running low, a phone call, an IM chat request, or an appointment. Generally these kinds of notifications need to draw attention to themselves without being distracting.…

  • PT London, Terrorism, and Miscellaneous Other Stuff

    As you will have heard, there was a series of bombing in London today. Of course, tomorrow Pro Tour London is supposed to start, so many Magic people are gathered in London at the moment. I haven’t heard about any harmed Magic players or judges so far, so let’s hope for the best. Wizards plans to run the Pro…