Category: Netatalk

  • Netatalk 2.0.3-2

    I just released Netatalk 2.0.3-2. This version solved the conflict with yudit by renaming /usr/bin/uniconv to /usr/sbin/netatalk-uniconv. As this is a tool that is only required very occasionally (i.e. when updating a volume from one character set to unicode, which hopefully you will only have to do once per volume), this change should be fairly unobstrusive. Resolving…

  • New Netatalk Packages

    Yesterday saw a new Netatalk package (2.0.2-2), since I forgot to include heimdal-dev in the build dependencies. Today another fix is needed (2.0.2-3), since it doesn’t build on amd64. I don’t expect this to be the last build failure. Let’s wait and see … Of course I would prefer to check in the build fixes into upstream CVS,…

  • Sourceforge CVS Broken?

    Is it just me or is the CVS on Sourceforge really broken? When I tried to update, I got the error message that the host key had changed. So I deleted all known host keys for Sourceforge sites and tried again. After I accepted the new host key, I got the following error message: Cannot access /cvsroot/netatalk/CVSROOT…