Selection in GtkTextBuffer

I’ve recently played around with GtkTextBuffer. It’s a rather nice text editing widget (or rather widget part). Unfortunately it misses one functionality, which is also missing from GtkEditable derived widgets: A signal for selection changes. There are two workarounds:

  1. You can setup a notification on the “has-selection” property like this:
    buffer.connect("notify", on_buffer_notify)
    def on_buffer_notify(buffer, prop):
        if == "has-selection":
            if buffer.get_has_selection():

    This method only works if you are interested in whether there is a selection or not, not if you are interested in any selection changes. Also, this method works only for GtkTextBuffers, not for GtkEditables.

  2. Tomboy uses a timeout to check the selection status:
    namespace Tomboy
    	public class NoteWindow : ForcedPresentWindow 
    		public NoteWindow (Note note) : 
    			base (note.Title) 
    			// Sensitize the Link toolbar button on text selection
    			mark_set_timeout = new InterruptableTimeout();
    			mark_set_timeout.Timeout  = UpdateLinkButtonSensitivity;
    		void UpdateLinkButtonSensitivity (object sender, EventArgs args)
    			link_button.Sensitive = (note.Buffer.Selection != null);

    This method works, but seems a bit complicated, when a simple signal should do the trick.

Filed as bug #448261.


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