Month: July 2007

  • Blog Statistics

    Yesterday I had a look at the webalizer statistics for this web page. Still, by far the most hits got my review of GTA: San Andreas, followed by several pages that are automatically fetched. It is also by far the entry page #1, with nearly five times as many hits as the root page. The referers to the…

  • setuptools breaks PYTHONPATH

    setuptools and egg files are a great way to distribute Python packages and programs. But today I stumbled over a really braindead design decision: setuptools overrides Python’s standard module search path algorithm in a very inconvenient way. Normally, when Python looks for a module or package, it first looks in the current directory, then in any…

  • gnome-keyring with Python

    The documentation on gnome-keyring I discovered helped me to access it successfully with Python. I’ve written a small module that fetches and stores a username and a password for some server. Some notes: The attributes are freeform, but there a some common attributes for network hosts. These are: “user”, “domain”, “server”, “object”, “protocol”, “authtype”, and “port”. Actually there is…

  • Documentation for libgnome-keyring

    I was trying to find documentation for libgnome-keyring for little project I am writing, which accesses a password-protected web service. Unfortunately there is no real documentation for it. No API documentation (well, there are a total of two functions documented), no tutorial. Finally I found this document in GNOME’s Subversion repository. Better then nothing, but why isn’t this…