Tag: judge

  • Judge Situation in Berlin

    Christoph Meise, a level 1 judge from Berlin, complained about the way I portrayed the judge situation in Berlin at the moment. According to him there are more judges that would be willing to judge if they were just asked by the TO. Well, even if counting graciously, I count about 6 active judges, available for larger events, in…

  • PTQ Honolulu in Berlin and 2-Headed Giant Event

    Saturday we had a Pro Tour Qualifier for Pro Tour Honolulu in Berlin. The Extended event took place at the FUNtainment Game Center as usual. Our staff consisted of scorekeeper Huy (L2), Falko (paluschke) from Greifswald (L2), Crille (L2), and myself (also L2 – can you spot a pattern there?). Peter, the store manager, was acting TO. The event…

  • Ravnica Prerelease

    We had another Ravnica: City of Guilds prerelease at the FUNtainment Game Center (formely Magic Center). It was a whooping success with a total of 47 participants, much more than I had anticipated for this third prerelease. The store was full, since there was a large YuGiOh tournament going on at the same time (“Pharaoh Tour”) with about…

  • Record Deduction as Penalty?

    There has been discussion recently at dcijudge-l and other places about the proper penalties in two-headed giant matches. In 2HG matches, only one game is played per match. This means that a Game Loss actually equals a Match Loss and this is considered too hard a penalty for many rules infractions that warrant the former. This got…

  • Final Judgment is not a Bounce

    I just remembered another situation from last week’s PTQ in Hamburg. I was watching a match between two players I didn’t know during one of the early rounds of the tournament. Player A played a Final Judgment and player B picked up all of his creatures and put them into his hand. During his turn he started to…

  • PTQ Los Angeles in Hamburg – Judge Report

    Yesterday was a PTQ for PT Los Angeles in Hamburg. I planned to go there with a few friends anyway and since the TO Philip Schulz had asked for judges on the German judge list, I applied. We targeted our arrival at about 10, but between weekend traffic on the Autobahn, a broken route by Map24 and several closed streets…

  • Berlin Regionals

    Last Saturday we held the Magic Regionals 2005 here in Berlin. I’ve already blogged about the problems I see in the way this year’s Regionals are run in Germany. So originally it was proposed to run inofficial top 8 as a separate event, but in the end we decided against it for various reasons. The event ran…

  • Article about Judging Published

    Finally my article about judges and judging got published over at Star City Games. Yay! Update: URL corrected …

  • PTQ London

    Yesterday we had a PTQ for London in Berlin. Two days before the event Huy, the scheduled head judge called me and asked whether I could do the HJ, since he had to leave early. Of course I happily accepted. We had 68 players, which was a low turnout. Kamigawa seems to bore people. Personally…

  • Interview with Andy Heckt

    Finally I finished my judge article. I will send it in early next week. As a bonus, here is the complete interview with Andy Heckt: First of all: What is your official job title at Wizards? Network Manager – this is because my duties coordinate player need, the judge program, and organizers of premiere events…