Author: srittau

  • Bushido

    This is an excerpt from an e-mail message that I sent to Magic rules manager John Carter a while back. It outlines the problems I have with the way the Bushido mechanic currently works. Maybe other people find it interesting as well. […] So, let’s start with the definition of bushido from the comp rules (version…

  • New Netatalk Packages

    Yesterday saw a new Netatalk package (2.0.2-2), since I forgot to include heimdal-dev in the build dependencies. Today another fix is needed (2.0.2-3), since it doesn’t build on amd64. I don’t expect this to be the last build failure. Let’s wait and see … Of course I would prefer to check in the build fixes into upstream CVS,…

  • Sourceforge CVS Broken?

    Is it just me or is the CVS on Sourceforge really broken? When I tried to update, I got the error message that the host key had changed. So I deleted all known host keys for Sourceforge sites and tried again. After I accepted the new host key, I got the following error message: Cannot access /cvsroot/netatalk/CVSROOT…

  • Maintainer Responsibilities and Arrogance

    When I was recently combing through new packages in aptitude, I came across a package named svn-workbench. Since I am a fan of Subversion the name got me interested. The package’s short description (“A Workbench for Subversion “) didn’t help much. So I went to the long description, which I will quote here in full: pysvn-workbench…

  • Templating and “that card”

    From today’s Ask the Judge: Q: At the end of my turn, if my Shirei, Shizo’s Caretaker is still in play, a land that went to my graveyard from play as a 1/1 creature due to Living Plane does not come back into play, does it? It says “creature card” on Shirei, which makes me suspect.…

  • I’m back to Debian

    So, I finally found time to do Debian work again after a far too long abstinence. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to hand over my Debian stuff gracefully, but fortunately there were people having an eye on them. Jonas Smedegaard had an eye on the Netatalk package and released a security fix for it. The GNOME team, headed…

  • Welcome to My Blog!

    Welcome to the blog of Sebastian Rittau! In this blog I will put into writing ideas, comments, and remarks on topics that interest me. Currently these are Debian GNU/Linux, the GNOME Desktop Environment, and the Magic: The Gathering trading card game, especially the judging aspect of that game.